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Diverse Buttons

Change the shape, color, size and many more

9 Different Colors

There are 9 different colors, including the default one which changes on different color scheme.

5 Different Sizes

There are 5 different sizes and every size looks awesome. Combine icons with colors, icons and round effects.

Rounded or Squared

For each button combination you can choose if your button is rounded or squared. Awesome!

Over 350 icons to use

There are over 350 icons to use with buttons. Use our Shortcode Generator for easy creation.

These are just some of many icons. Find full icon list here. You can use icons with any button size, color or rounded buttons.

How to use

Aegaeus comes with super awesome user friendly Shortcode Generator which allows you to create any of many shortcodes in less than 2 clicks. If you prefer the code, you can find it bellow. You can copy-paste it to your page. Comments are annotated with double slashes //

Get the code
// Default button with normal size - no icon
[button title="Default" color="" size="normal" link="#" icon=""]

// Red button with large size - no icon
[button title="Large" color="red" size="large" link="#" icon=""]

// Purple button with XLarge size and bolt icon
[button title="Xlarge" color="purple" size="xlarge" link="#" icon="Q"]

// Green button with Mega size and globe icon
[button title="Mega" color="green" size="mega" link="#" icon="globe"]

// Read more button
[read_more_button link="#"]Your text goes here.[/read_more_button]

// Xlarge Button Combo
[button title="XLarge Button" size="xlarge" color="orange" link="#" icon="6"][focus_separator_text]OR[/focus_separator_text][button title="XLarge Button" size="xlarge" color="cyan" link="#" icon="B"]
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