Seimmei do Brasil

  • Phone: 55 (11) 4397-9000
  • Fax: 55 (11) 4397-9001
  • Mail:
  • Website:
  • Address: Rua José D'Angelo, 251 - B. Terra Nova II - São Bernardo do Campo - SP - CEP 09820-670

Use the Contact Form to send us a message!

Welcome to Aegaeus Contact Form Template. The form on the right side is a fully working AJAX contact form. It uses jQuery Validation, meaning no spam in your inbox. It is very easy to set up, begginer friendly. Just set your email in default WordPress settings, create Contact Page template and the form will show right bellow any content.

Come on, drop us a line!

  • Sed iaculis eros in diam scelerisque
  • Nullam sed quam sit amet magna tincidunt rhoncus
  • Proin porta tincidunt augue
  • Quisque dictum, metus quis tempus
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Não se preocupe, não lhe enviaremos Spans


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