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  • Fax: 55 (11) 4397-9001
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  • Address: Rua José D'Angelo, 251 - B. Terra Nova II - São Bernardo do Campo - SP - CEP 09820-670

Pricing Table Shortcode

Find your plan and join us today


  • $129/mo
  • Up to 10 Users
  • 10 GB Free Space
  • 3 Worskpaces
  • 5 Plugins
  • Unlimited Sets
  • Top Notch Support

Ultimate Plus

  • $399/mo
  • Up to 100 Users
  • 2 TB Free Space
  • Unlimited Worskpaces
  • Unlimited Plugins
  • Unlimited Sets
  • Top Notch Support


  • Free
  • Up to 2 Users
  • 1 GB Free Space
  • 1 Worskpace
  • 1 Plugin
  • 5 Sets
  • Top Notch Support


  • $129/mo
  • Up to 10 Users
  • 10 GB Free Space
  • 3 Worskpaces
  • 5 Plugins
  • Unlimited Sets
  • Top Notch Support

Ultimate Plus

  • $399/mo
  • Up to 100 Users
  • 2 TB Free Space
  • Unlimited Worskpaces
  • Unlimited Plugins
  • Unlimited Sets
  • Top Notch Support


  • $260/mo
  • Up to 80 Users
  • 1 TB Free Space
  • Unlimited Worskpaces
  • Unlimited Plugins
  • Unlimited Sets
  • Top Notch Support


  • Free
  • Up to 2 Users
  • 1 GB Free Space
  • 1 Worskpace
  • 1 Plugin
  • 5 Sets
  • Top Notch Support
How to use

Aegaeus comes with super awesome user friendly Shortcode Generator which allows you to create any of many shortcodes in less than 2 clicks. If you prefer the code, you can find it bellow. You can copy-paste it to your page. Comments are annotated with double slashes //

Get the code

[pricing_item focus="true" title="Ultimate Plus" size="col-4" button_title="Sign Up" button_link="#"]

[pricing_row is_price="true"]$129/mo[/pricing_row]

[pricing_row]Up to 10 Users[/pricing_row]

[pricing_row[10 GB Free Space]/pricing_row]


Available argument options: Pricing Item
  • title – Specify your item’s title.
  • size – Specify your item’s size. You can use any column size.
  • last_column – Specify if item is last in row.
  • bottom_margin – Specify if item is bottom margin.
  • focus – Specify if item is in focus.
  • button_title – Specify item’s button title.
  • button_link – Specify item’s button link.
Available argument options: Pricing Row
  • is_price – Specify the row is a price (has special styling).
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